
Prague Art Trip

Experiencing Art Everywhere!

The Art Trip gives students, who otherwise may not have the opportunity, an authentic art learning experience outside of Qatar. The city of Prague offers an immersion experience, not unlike walking through a living gallery. Over the course of 4 days students are able to explore and learn about world famous visual art works both in and out of galleries, including a breadth of architectural styles and installation pieces. Students are able to appreciate and gain insight into masterpieces and contemporary artwork with the help of several guided gallery tours. Students are also given the opportunity to experience art creation by collaborating with students their own age attending the International School of Prague and creating a joint artwork. New art techniques and unique experiences  are introduced by Czech artists, such as an authentic graffiti workshop. Evening theater and dance performances give students a taste of other traditional Czech and European performance arts. Students have the opportunity to learn more about these crafts during backstage tours which give students, for example, the chance to try marionettes and see how the set is designed. Prague offers students a unique concentration of world class art from every discipline. Exploring a deeply enchanting historic city on foot and by local transport, is an invaluable and profoundly positive experience. Students return to Doha with a greater understanding of the world of art, its creation, interpretation and are inspired by their experience to have a lifelong appreciation for the arts.